💥 Are you ready for your next bipolar mood swing? Unless you are one of the few who can take meds and the mood swings stop, you will have to learn to deal with changes in the mood over a life time.
🌗 Bipolar is like insulin dependent diabetes. It is always there.
I have to remind MYSELF of this regularly. Nothing prepares me for the elation 😸 of euphoric mania, the violent thoughts and behaviors 😾 of dysphoric mania and the horrific sadness and hopelessness 😿 of my suicidal depression.
Nothing prepares me. Every single time I get sick, I have to remember to practice my own system.
My management skills have to be used – they don’t just pop into place when I get sick. I have to utilize what I know.
📘What is your plan to stay stable for the holidays? If you don’t have one yet, now is a GREAT time to read or reread Take Charge of Bipolar Disorder.
✍️ If you have the Health Cards, now is a GREAT time to make a Holiday Health Card.
If you have a child with bipolar, now is a great time to join me on The Stable Table, a private group on Facebook. If you have a partner with bipolar, now is a great time to join me on The Stable Bed. Health care professionals are invited to join both. I suggest Take Charge and then Loving Someone with Bipolar Disorder for all parents and partners.
Planning and management are the answer. There is no cure. There IS relief to be had in management. We can shorten our mood swings and have great times in our lives that come from stability.
I want you to be READY for mood swings. When you’re ready with a plan that you can use even when you’re crying so hard you can’t see or you’re so high you think life is perfect, you can get back to stability and get on with life.
🌞🌝 My life is good. My bipolar is awful. Finding the balance between these two realities is how I stay afloat and how I stay positive in the midst of the whopper moods.