Dabbing is advertised as a nice spoon full of honey- it’s not. A dab is a straight shot of THC into our brains. Let’s be careful and learn about bipolar and THC.
Bipolar disorder and marijuana education: What is dabbing? One of the top concerns I see in bipolar disorder management today is marijuana and dabbing.
The use of high THC pot is linked to an increase in psychosis and mania in those of us with bipolar disorder. The highest concentrate of THC when people use weed is creating wax from dabbing. The process is explained in the article linked below.
The more we educate ourselves and keep an open mind into how we can stay safe and stable, the better we can help our sons, daughters and partners make healthy decisions around their mental health.
My bipolar disorder and marijuana education work focuses on harm reduction and the prudent use of substances when you have a mental health disorder. I have to do the same in my own life.