Bipolar Anxiety and Travel

Bipolar Disorder, Travel and Anxiety. Hello from England. The first stop on my European adventure. I made a video from Cambridge yesterday about bipolar disorder and anxiety. It took me a few hours to deal with the anxiety, but I definitely got through it and had a good experience. We can travel when we have bipolar disorder! Julie

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2 comments to Bipolar Anxiety and Travel

  • Pulley

    Thank you for posting this video. Seeing you actually IN this state and hearing your thoughts about it is so helpful.

    • Hello Pulley,

      It’s always a challenge for me to know how much to share. I want to show that we can reach our dreams- but I don’t want people to think it’s all a bed of roses to get there! I’m glad I could help. I’m working on my websites today. It’s work I don’t enjoy- which means the anxiety is a constant companion. But today is a good day and I’m breathing and getting the work done. I wish it were easier, that’s for sure, but simply being able to work after so big of a change in my life is a GOOD THING! Good luck to you. Julie