Ok! I keep saying I’m going to reply to comments when I can. I just have to do it instead of thinking about doing it!
Here is a comment about school:
Hi Julie,
I was going to school full time for three terms but this summer my doctor and I decided to change my meds. YUCK…I have been feeling horrible and really had two steps backwards as far as treatment goes. I am thinking of taking fall term off so that I can get medical help, read your cards and books and get well again. It is sometimes discouraging to try medications and have them mess you up more than help. To make matters worse my family and friends seem to think I can think my way out of this without medications or help…I am still hopeful for the future but I am struggling but I guess with bipolar WE are always struggling. smile
** end comment**
I managed to pick a comment that doesn’t have a question- ?- but here are my comments:
I too was having lovely medication problems last night. My Lamictal makes my legs hurt if I don’t have a high enough dose. It’s frustrating. I know that finding the right drug and then finding the right dose takes time. It’s worth it though. I’m so impressed that you have so much AWARENESS! of what is going on with you. So many people are confused or unsure of why something is happening. I can tell that you know it’s bipolar disorder.
School is the same as work. We can all do it- but we often have to do it on our terms. The fact that you were able to go three sessions in a row is fantastic.
Can you just take one class instead of not going at all? I had to do that. If you have to take time off, that is smart as well. All that matters is the degree- how long it takes to get it is of no consequence in the long run.
It took me eight years and four colleges to get a degree! I am glad I kept going.
As for family and friends who don’t understand- it’s up to you to educate them. They are not being cruel- they are being ignorant in the true sense of the word:
1. lacking in knowledge or training; unlearned: an ignorant man.
2. lacking knowledge or information as to a particular subject or fact: ignorant of quantum physics.
3. uninformed; unaware.
All of my books have ideas on how to tell people about bipolar so that they can understand what WE go through and then how they can help us.
I wrote this out on the blog below.
You are AMAZING. I mean that.
Hi Julie,
Can you help me understand how to help my son in schoool. He is in the 8th grade and I have a really hard time getting him to do his owrk without lashing out. He starts off ok then outta nowhere he is done, can’t do it, he says he is stupid, school is stupid and gets really angry about it really fast and refuses to do anymore for the rest of the night. I have tried to give him breaks when i see he is getting frustrated, but then he won’t start beck up at it when I ask him to … I don’t like it when I am talking nice .. I am not being mean or ordering him around cause I know that will just make it worse. I just can’t get him out of his depression about school. Any suggestions will be appriciated. Thanks.