Bipolar Brain Weirdness – while watching movies!
When I’m slightly depressed and psychotic, it’s hard for me to watch movies. Something odd really happens- I have a voice in my head that makes comments such as
– This is not real, these people are acting
– Look at the makeup he’s wearing. I can only see his eyeliner
– They are just reading from a script. This is not real
– This is no good. This whole thing is fake
– That was an odd movement in his face. I call tell he’s not really this character
Now, it’s normal to think about this stuff in a bad movie, but the whole point of a good movie is to suspend disbelief and when I’m depressed, I can’t get lost in a film like I normally do.
When I get the commenting voice, it’s different than thinking- ‘this movie isn’t very good!’ It’s an odd technical thing where my brain breaks down the action on the screen in a way that makes it impossible to get into the movie. There is no flow.
I try to ignore it! I’m always amazed and what my brain does when I’m depressed. It’s a different brain than a well brain, that’s for sure.
Does this even make sense!
i don’t think any of our brains make sense. i know mine doesn’t! bah!