Bipolar Depression and hot chili soup

Well, these are actually tips to trick depression!

Go about your day even when the depression is lurking at your back and knocking at your door. It may feel like you can’t get out and get things done, but you can. Your legs still work- and you are still you.

Watch There is Something About Mary or Bowfinger.

Find the Success Baby picture on this blog.

Remind yourself over and over again that depression feels the same every single time- no matter when the situation. This means it’s an illness and not you.

Eat some hot sundubo Korean soup. I am not joking here- very hot chilies release endorphins.  You can also eat hot Thai food.


6 comments to Bipolar Depression and hot chili soup

  • Gina

    Hi Julie,

    First, I want you to know that your website and books have been a lifeline for me for the past six years since learning of my now ex-husband’s and daughter’s illness. I’ve absorbed every word and tried to share it with them and others that I have met with the same illness. Today, I received your email regarding the “Bipolar Conversation”. As I have dealt with this illness in a myriad of ways since learning of it, I would just like to say that what you ask of people who are on the other side, so to speak, is difficult. When someone is accusing you of things that are irrational, it pretty damned hard to stay in control. We ALL want to help, but for goodness sake, we’re only human too. When someone is in attack mode, I find it extremely exhausting to detach and provide the voice of reason. After all, I’ve got stresses of my own. To me, bipolar can be incredibly selfish and inconsiderate of what others are experiencing. Can you address that?

  • Diane Glasheen

    Thanks Julie : ) You have some awesome tips!

  • That sounds like an excellent way to not only release endorphins but to address the food cravings often caused by depression.

  • Sandra

    Exercise releases endorphins, too! Taking a walk with a friend helps me.

  • SteveMc

    spicy food and exercise definitely help me… when i feel depression coming on i go for a cold swim and then make myself a HOT every time..if u dont have a pool nearby cold showers also help…but exercise seems to be the main trigger….even on a long walk i can feel the depression ease bit by bit

    things i avoid when depressed: alcohol & fast food..they both make me happy for a while…then dump me on the floor hard

  • TU

    Chili really worked for my depression!!
    I have used psychiatry for 2 years and nothing really worked before trying chili.

    I used quite much chili, so be careful as you feel terrible pain if it still on your fingers and you touch your nose or other sensitive places.