Bipolar Disorder and School

I recently had an email asking if a person with bipolar disorder can finish school.

Well, sure they can! But….

There is always a but…

College is the same thing as work. It’s a stimulating environment with a lot of people and a lot of pressure. Bipolar disorder doesn’t like this. It took me eight years to finish college. I didn’t have a treatment plan then. In fact, I didn’t know I had bipolar disorder! The diagnosis explains a lot.

As with any stressful situation, the solution is planning.

You will need a treatment plan before college starts.

I have to be honest and say I can’t go to school full time. It’s too stressful for me- but I can go part time! Many friends of mine with bipolar have master’s degrees, etc. So it’s possible.

If you’re starting college, you have to make a plan now. Try the Health Cards- the plan I use- or get something else. My books can help- especially if your family works with you.  Find something that will help you make collegee a wonderful experience!


1 comment to Bipolar Disorder and School

  • Meela Dark

    Ugh! I wish I would have read this before I started college. It has been a struggle, still is but after readinf this and other articles on bipolar it has helped me to realize that I do have limitations and stopped blaming myself for past disasters. Thanks for posting this its been very helpful.