Bipolar disorder and the economy: A great reader comment

Here is a comment from J. on my blog about the economic climate in this country- it’s a good one!

thank u for this. I needed some cheering up. financially we are at out wits’ end. I function only due to my meds. without them i’d be dead now. bipolar is no joke, and having financial problems on top of it…well, it’s hard to stay sane. I CAN choose to enjoy as much of my life THIS MOMENT as I can, no matter what is going on around me. so I try. I fight depression. my meds keep me from mania which is good or we’d be in worse trouble. I thank god I still have left things to be thankful for RIGHT NOW. tomorrow will be dealt with tomorrow. that’s how I cope with money problems I can’t fix. one day at a time. if I live in the present I can cope better with bipolar too. thanks for this blog and newsletter things u put out. it helps. u know what we live with. take care.


Wow, thanks to Jen for putting into words what a lot of us feel. WE WILL GET THROUGH THIS- it’s just money- it’s just politics- it’s just change. I struggle with my worries- and then realized the situation doesn’t change if I worry, it changes if I work at change. I sound like Obama! Those of us with bipolar disorder do experience things more strongly than others- we get sick and stressed enough as it is- when you add the economy to this, things are tough. It will pass.

I will not let it get me down- Julie

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