Bipolar Disorder and Travel Time Changes …. sort of

I am having a good time in Michigan.  It is a bit odd to be here as I have never visited my dad in his home. We were not in contact for a long time. It is nice to see where he lives. He is very happy and I love how calm his life is.  I think we all want our relatives to be happy and calm. It’s not always like that is it! I know that my desire for a balanced, happy, financially secure and emotionally stable family  is normal. I also know it’s up to me to create that in my life if others around me are not sable. What others do is up to them- how I interact with them is up to me!

I am here with my nephew David.  I don’t have children- so he is my connection with the future!  He is who I think of when my depression is at its worst. We all need a purpose and a child gives you purpose!  I remember driving down the street, trying to figure out my purpose in life – it can’t be work, money, travel, writing- I know it needs to be something human- and for me it’s  David. He’s a cutie!

Wow, I got off topic! I wanted to write about time changes and travel when you have bipolar. I will do that in the next blog post….. 


Julie and David at the University of Michigan

1 comment to Bipolar Disorder and Travel Time Changes …. sort of

  • Sandra Sweeney

    Oh, you’re in my home state, though at the wrong school! I graduated from that “little school down the road” as UM folks like to refer to Michigan State University!

    I grew up in West Bloomfield, which isn’t far from Ann Arbor. Enjoy your visit! Your nephew is a cutie!

    I was at my grad class last night. We had been assigned group projects and one group had the most awesome speaker! We all agreed he should become a motivational speaker, he was that good. One thing that he said that really struck me was this: “Being a teacher isn’t just a profession. It’s who we are. Even when we’re outside of school, we are still teachers.” I think that applies to you as well. You already have a purpose in life, one that is deep within you. You don’t have to look outward for a purpose, but I do agree that kids will do that for you!
