I often get letters like the one below:
Hi Julie
“My greatest problem is Work. Please dedicate as much Time to work issues as possible. Most specifically, the alternative ways for people with BP (and other chronic illnesses) to survive and earn a living.”
I haven’t been able to work full time since 1995. I should say- I haven’t been able to work consistently since 1995. That changed last year when my meds and treatment plan just started working a lot better. I now face another problem. I’m able to work a lot more, but I don’t really know how to do it. I don’t have an office. I tend to drive around looking for places to work. When I have a good day I just want to hang out and enjoy it. There were SO few good days in the past. On the tough days, I have trouble focusing. I get overwhelmed with all I have to do- so I put it off.
It’s normal behavior. I wrote Get it Done When You’re Depressed for these exact reasons. I use the tips in it daily.
Today, I’m putting myself in a place I can work- the library. Things can improve time management wise. I also remind myself that like I say in the book, I don’t have to FEEL like working in order to get things done quickly and successfully.
As for full time work alternatives- there are many. The first of course is part time work. The problem is that part time work is often less than challenging. It’s a trade off. Stability vs. stimulating and rewarding work. I say, do the part time, less than challenging work WHILE you work 24 hours a day to manage the illness more effectively. You can then move into something more suited to your skills. I wish there were better answers, but my motto is treat bipolar first. Money and insurance are always a challenge. They are for me.
I worked part time for a long time. I wrote my books on part time. And then I got better. It took many years- but that was because I was creating a plan. Now that I have the plan- I write about it in all of my books- I can function more normally. You can definitely do the same, you just have to plan it carefully and give it time.