My ability to work without struggling all day is very, very random. I wish there were more of a pattern as it would be easier to get things done with ease! I actually worked for five hours yesterday and I feel like I can do the same today. There is a big reason for this- I finally got an office that feels comfortable. It took seven years to find the right place. I always knew that I could better deal with the restless ADD/Depression if I could just find the right place to work. I tried coffee shops, the library, individual cubes in a rental space and even my own section of an artist’s collective. And nothing ever worked very well. This new space just feels right.
I am lucky- it only took seven years! ha ha. It’s so important that we all have a place to go and people to see throughout the day- we need structure and purpose. A dear friend of mine has been quite ill- she was hoping to stay in the hospital- but she wasn’t ill enough as she was not a danger to herself or others. (Thank heavens.) She’s now in a hospital day program. I simply can’t believe the difference. She has a place to go- she has a plan for the day. It has been life changing. It’s like she has an office to go to! We are going to work together on a plan for when she gets done with the program. She has a part time job- but has to find productive things to do on the other days as she can’t work full time. Daily structure makes it easier for her to manage her Bipolar I (one) illness.
Here are some questions:
– Do you have a purpose when you wake up?
– Do you have a place to go that is fun and rewarding?
– Do you have a set schedule that keeps you stable?
This is essential for bipolar disorder stability. It’s lonely when you’re depressed- now, when you’re in a euphoric manic episode- the above questions don’t even have to be asked as the answer is usually yes to all of them! I want to go somewhere at the same time every day- with a purpose and a mission.
I am so happy for you…..this is such good news. I feel the same way. I have also been looking for a place where I can feel like I can function in a more productive way without the overkill. Today, I also found a place that I think will help solve some of the problems that I have been having.
Thanks for your blog!!!!!
Hey Julie!
That is fantastic that you’ve got your space figured out! I love my job – my coworkers like and respect me. I have created my own little niche. I also am lucky enough to have my own office – a place where I can take my face off and cry if I need to or just allow my mind to run for a few minutes. I can call my therapist any time I need to and have privacy for his call back. The only problem I have is that I am currently working 40 hours a week and with each increase in hours my symptoms increase – particularly my manic ones. It’s a fine line to walk between having good structure and a place to go every day and over doing it. I tend to over do it. Just my nature I guess. Good luck with everything – talk to ya soon!