Bipolar Disorder and Work Stress

Bipolar Disorder and Tough Situations

I believe that how I deal with problems when I’m well determines how well I will deal with problems when I’m sick. I’ve had a stable mood for four days in a row now. I love it! I’m also thankful as work has been very stressful. There was a problem on for my book Take Charge of Bipolar Disorder and I’ve had to wait a few days to get it resolved. This took patience and a lot of my coping skills. My books are my career- so it’s like having a bad day on the job when has trouble!

I work up early in order to work early and there were the negative and worried thoughts. I stayed in bed a while and listened to them- and then I said to myself- use the tips in Get it Done When You’re Depressed. Get out of BED and get GOING. That is what I’m doing. The same worry is there, but I know how to lessen that worry.

I am going to do something to make my current work situation better so that I can be proud of myself when I go to bed.


PS: Taking action always makes you feel better. It beats worry and stress.

3 comments to Bipolar Disorder and Work Stress

  • C

    You have MUCH to be proud of! C

  • kathy chapman

    I’m trying some of the tips in the depression book also, they are helping. Thank you. Glad you’ve had 4 days…Rock ON

  • Melissa

    Glad things are going well for you!
    Here’s a question to the flip side of that – what if work stress causes you to become more hypomanic? As I have had to increase my work hours I have experienced more of my manic symptoms. Any tips?
    – Melissa –