When you have bipolar disorder, doing your best means doing what you can within the parameters set by the illness. This isn’t being negative or hopeless, it’s being realistic.
I HATE IT! yuck! Ick!
But it’s my life. When you love to work as much as I do, learning what you can and can’t do in order to stay stable is essential for success. It’s not a situation that has an end point. I wish I could just climb a mountain and reach a summit that says-
Julie, you now know exactly what you can and can’t do!
It’s not fixed this way. Every week I learn more about myself and am more accepting of what I do accomplish instead of always thinking I could do so much more if I were just able to work like a ‘regular’ person. Bipolar disorder affects me daily as it probably affects you or someone you care about- it affects EVERYTHING. Learning to live with this fact has helped me stay stable and productive.
It’s a daily process to be kinder to myself for having bipolar disorder.