Bipolar Disorder Medications – Lamictal Side Effects

Bipolar Medications: Lamictal Side Effects

I love Lamictal. That could be a bumper sticker on my car. I hope you have a medication that you love.

Unfortunately, I have some pretty tough side effects. Right now I’m dealing with the super stiff neck that often comes with the drug. It disrupts my sleep, which isn’t good! It’s like nighttime whip lash. I’ve found that stretching my neck and then using an ice pack helps. I try to get a massage as often as possible. I find myself moving my head over and over again to try to find a comfortable place on my pillow. There usually isn’t one! My side effects come and go, so hopefully this will be gone soon.

I’ve probably written about this on the blog- but I had to write it again to remind people that we may have to live with some side effects if the medication works really well.

Here’s some more info about Lamictal: Lamictal, like Depakote and Tegretol is an anticonvulsant drug that just happens to work for bipolar disorder!

Lithium is the only ‘real’ mood stabilizer. It’s a natural salt which is why it’s so inexpensive! Lithium is a miracle drug for many people- but a lot of us can’t take it.

When it comes to symptoms, Lithium, Tegretol and Depakote are anti mania drugs. They are not anti depression drugs- which is why Lamictal has been the miracle for those of us with bipolar II who don’t have full blown mania.

Lamictal helps with depression, mild mania, rapid cycling, psychosis, OCD symptoms and ADHD symptoms. Wow, that is great.


7 comments to Bipolar Disorder Medications – Lamictal Side Effects

  • Susan

    Hi Julie,
    Your information is very good, and I have your health cards and package that I have not used in the two years since I bought it! I now fully see the sense of it, and it’s great. I just have to make time. I wonder about folks like me, moderately bi-polar, no drugs have worked right since 1984, when no one knew my most serious diagnosis is chronic PTSD. I’ve tried ’em all, what about the liver? They all just say I’m sensitive, and 68 years old. Now trying Spring Forest Qigong. So weary of the depression, including severe SADS, hate that term, and migraines, and the rapid cycling. Never dare make a commitment, arrrgh. Susan

  • Whitney

    My son, who is 10, has been suffering from anxiety and ADHD. We are taking major meltdowns at school, I mean MAJOR episodes. So much so that the school pretty much gave up on him (another story).We tried Adderal and Straterra and the only thing he got out of it was increased anxiety, weight loss and sleeplessness. This is not to say it doesn’t work for others but we did find our golden egg! After being fed up with the prescription mill that he was going to, we found a caring Dr. who suggested a new med for him. Lamictal. Can I say MIRACLE?! He can now put the breaks on when he gets frustrated whereas he could not before. At all. He would spiral out of control and grow irate and mean. Now, he’s understanding, takes everything in stride and is reasonable! He did not get the dread rash and we are so thrilled with the results of this med!

  • Dana

    I’m on the Lamictal starter pack and still taking 25 mg a day. I’ve been increasingly manic, irritable and aggressive. I have no tolerance for other people and haven’t been able to attend school. Is this normal? Will it be better at 100mg?

  • Janine

    I was just prescribed lamictal and doing a little research it seems most people are starting on 25 mg and slowly increasing. I have just started today…100mg a day for a week, and then I bump up to 200mg next week. Is this too much too soon?

  • loubna al kashef

    dear juli, my mother has been suffering from bipolar disorder since 10 years, she is now on a major depression and she have just started today 25mg/ day lamictal in addition to a pervious medication cipralex 10 mg for 3 weeks ..
    so can we expect any improvement soon in her case .. thank you and hope to hear from you soon

  • Deborah

    I was recently diagnosed with bipolar.I am now taking Lamictal. The only side effect Ive had is sleeplessness. I dont sleep, I cant sleep, I quit coffee. I quit drinking coke. I have done everything to sleep. I get maybe 3 hours if Im lucky. Im new to this drug on my first week so I am on a low dosage. 25mg. for the first 14 days. Does this get better?? Do you sleep finally as the dose gets bigger! UGH!!

    Hi Deborah,

    There are so many different side effects with each drug. The drugs can even cause opposite side effects such as making one person sleepy and the other revved up. I have not heard of Lamictal causing sleeplessness- Also, that really is a small dose. It’s very good to start small and go up. The general dose is 250mg though it ranges greatly. My mom takes 100mg and I take 500mg!

    Sleep problems can really exacerbate bipolar disorder as it can lead to mania- on the other hand- mania can cause the sleep problems. Here’s how to know the difference:

    When a person has sleep problems with mania, they don’t tend to be tired the next day. They can get up and get on with their day with energy.

    Sleep problems due to a drug often make the person tired, upset and unfocused the next day- or even abnormally tired, such as falling asleep in the middle of the day and drooling on a pillow. I call this pass out sleeping.

    The question is how you feel the next day after you don’t sleep.

    Next question, Did you try any other meds before you went on Lamictal?

    Side effects defintely lessen, but sleep issues are too serious to ignore. I would talk with your doctor and explain the symptoms. It may be you need a sleep aid such as Ativan (which is what I use) to help you sleep so the Lamictal can work. But… you don’t really want to take that every night. Another option is one of the new drugs such as Lunesta. Also, ask your doctor about using Benedryl.

    There are defintely choices, but you really need to tell your doctor what is happening as you have to make sure it’s not mania! Please keep me posted.


  • Kathy

    Lamictal has been a wonder drug for me, but I have the Lamictal acne. I got a topical antibiotic from my doctor, so hopefully that will go away. I feel so much better that I’m willing to put up with it for a while and hope that it passes, like so many side effects do.