Bipolar Disorder: The Corkscrew, Garbage Pail Illness



People withbipolar disorder have depression, mania, anxiety, psychosis, ADHD symptoms and restlessness. You are not alone if you have these symptoms- sometimes all at once! I call it a corkscrew illness and the garbage pail illness. We have ALL of the symptoms of most major psychiatric disorders when we are in an episode. We are STABLE when we are not in an episode. Julie

1 comment to Bipolar Disorder: The Corkscrew, Garbage Pail Illness

  • I like to try and be positive and call it Bipolar Order. If well managed you can use Bipolar Order to your advantage. For example, when I am manic it is a great time for me to clean up my house or do yard work. Sometimes it’s nice to have ADHD symptoms when I am cleaning so that I can forget about my troubles.