Bipolar is the same all over the world

Bipolar is the same all over the world…. 

Depression rates change from country to country.  Bipolar disorder is not so choosy.  Statistically, bipolar disorder is an equal opportunity employer.  In other words, a person with bipolar disorder in South America is exactly the same as a person with bipolar disorder in North America.  Despite this, the way the illness are diagnosed and discussed differs widely from country depending on stigma, mental health awareness and accessible health care. So many people think that bipolar disorder is different depending on what country you live in. It’s not. It’s the same whether you’re from Thailand or Australia, Qatar or Canada. I use those countries specifically because I know people who live there use the Health Cards System to find stability.

It’s estimated that 4-6% of the people in the US have bipolar. I think it’s higher.  Julie

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