Welcome to new visitors on the Julie Fast Bipolar Disorder Blog
I love this blog. It chronicles all of the moods of the ilness as well as tips for us to stay stable, focused, functional, productive and happy. It’s for family members, partners, friends and health care professionals too!
If you’re new to the BipolarHappens.com blog, there is a wealth of information in the archives to the right.
I suggest starting with the Mania and Rapid Cycling sections as they are often the most confusing parts of bipolar disorder.
Generic Lamictal: (Lamotrigine)
From all of the blog topics, Generic Lamictal received the most comments.
Generic Lamictal- wow, we went crazy with this one. I had a terrible reaction to generic Lamictal, as did many of the blog readers. But, many of you wrote and said the generic Lamictal (Lamotrigine was just fine for you. Generics are an interesting topic as few people really understand them- including all of the people I asked when I got sick!
Britney spears three years ago:
The Britney Spears situation was also followed very closely- I was interviewed in US Magazine and on TV about her manic episode and subsequent psychosis and down swing- but I have to say that considering that she went out on tour less than a year later- I really amazed she did so well… can you imagine getting that sick and then going back to work that soon? She is now trying for a comeback, but anyone who saw her try to dance with Rhianna knows she is not back to form.
Since that time, Charlie Sheen and Catherine have been the bipolar disorder subjects in the media.
Bipolar Disorder Treatment
This is obviously my specialty. I’m often asked why sI focus on bipolar disorder so much. Julie, you write soo much stuff about bipolar disorder. Blogs, magazines, books. Why?” The truth is that bipolar disorder is with me every day, so I might as well write about it and help others! It also helps me to write. My bipolar has changed and gotten worse- so there is always something new to write about. Such as the fact that I have had more dysphoric (agitated) mania this year. Yuck.
Dysphoric Mania
I just wrote about it on my BP Magazine blog:
Click here for the blog: The comments on this post are really great, so make sure you check them out.
When you have stable periods between mood swings – it’s called euthymia. I don’t get euthymia very often! I have the chronic rapid cycling- writing about it keeps me well. I use my own tips daily. I try them out for a long time before I write about them. My books are listed in the About Julie’s Books tab on the menu bar. My treatment system called The Health Cards Treatment System for Bipolar Disorder is explained as well. ( Ialways have to mention my books! )
The Blog in a Nut Shell!
These are just a few of the topics on this blog. If you’re new, welcome! I hope you find a lot of information and hope- and don’t forget to read the reader comments- there is a little icon about each blog entry that lets you see how many people have commented! The blog gets over 20,000 hits a month, so there is always great content.