Who is Julie Fast?  ??

If you came to this blog through a search engine- you may wonder, who the heck is Julie Fast! Well, I’m a writer who has bipolar disorder. My official diagnosis is Ultra Rapid Cycling Bipolar II. This means I have hypomania instead of the full blown mania found in Bipolar I. I was diagnosed in 1995 at age 31. I experience a lot of depression and tend to get psychotic under pressure!

I started my writing career with a website called  I sell my Health Cards Treatment Plan for Bipolar Disorder from this site. The Health Cards are what I use to stay well enough to write professionally.  I then wrote Loving Someone with Bipolar Disorder, Take Charge of Bipolar Disorder and Get it Done When You’re Depressed. I taught myself to write even when I’m depressed- it’s still a struggle.

So, have a look around the blog- visit to read more about the Health Cards and make sure to visit for more information on my work.

I need to get this info at the top of this blog!


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