COMMENTS: Many posts have comments from readers. If you go to the bottom of a post- you will see a small ‘comments’ button. When you click on this, you will see all of the comments and can reply yourself. I know for sure that readers go back and see what others have said about their comments. This is a great way for us to help each other. It helps me a lot as well. I want to answer everything- but as you can imagine, doing it on my own is hard- but doing it with all of your help is easy! To the right, there is a section that says recent comments. This is a good place to start to see what’s happening on the blog. Also, you can post a comment on any blog. You don’t have to be a member of the blog. But being a member has advantages as you will then know if someone posts about your post! It is especially helpful to me if you write those in crisis with your advice and support. That makes so much difference. I read all comments before they are posted so the information helps me as well.
NEWSLETTER UPDATE: I will send out a special holiday offer on my books- I only do this once a year! You will receive this if you’ve signed up for the newsletter. You won’t want to miss it, especially if you have not tried the Health Cards. Following that, I will send out my super important newsletter on how we can stay well during the holidays! And finally, I will send out pt. 1 of the newsletter series on medications and weight gain. It will all be here soon!
How are you? I really mean that. If you love someone who won’t get help- how are you coping? If your partner left during a manic episode and now wants to come back, how are YOU doing. If you have to go to court for a loved one, or deal with a daughter who stopped her meds, how are you? And if you have the illness and were just diagnosed… I am so happy you at least have a diagnosis. It’s a positive thing to help you treat an troublesome illness! All sitautions can get better.
Wow, I was going to do a brief post and now you have a tome!
hi julie
i have the bipolar tag and the love of my life has been intouch wit u b4 (ALISON PARKER OF SWAN HILL VIC AUSTRALIA) but now she has left me bum arse me needs 2 find out more about me as 2 understand bipolar alot more i should have done it years ago not just now ant i the fool if u no of any semanars in victoria australia could u let me no pls
Please add my book to your News Letter for the families of bipolar disordered spouses, fathers and mothers. I was married to a doctor with bipolar disorder type II for 27 years. We already had 4 kids when he was first diagnosed. I am a retired nurse (with 1977Dip. BASc. 1998).
A Butterfly Landed An Eagle is available on amazon. I wrote it to help others with my hindsight as foresight, to protect from and prevent emotional damage. The illness destroyed our marriage, his career and ultimately his life. He was de-registered and committed suicide in 2009. He was 55.
It was an absolute waste of genius and destroyed all my relationships with my adult kids and primary family. All so preventable. Wish I had my hindsight in 1984/85. There was nothing to help me not even in the Bible which deals only with “illness”. Elizabeth Laine