Can you work when you are depressed?

    Yes! Absolutely! Always! It’s hard but I can do it!

     That is what you will normally hear me say and it’s true. I can work when I’m depressed. My   problem is that I don’t want to work when I’m stable.  How often are you stable? It’s a new world to  me that I rarely get to visit, but I have noticed many things about this world.

   –  People like to just sit around and do things- watch TV, go to a movie, have coffee with friends, knit, mess around in the garage, fish, take a walk, relax in a bath, listen to music, go on a road trip. ETC.

    Those things are all so hard for me due to mood swings.  I’ve had five days of stability recently. No mania and a bit of depression only. And I don’t feel like doing anything! Is that what it’s like for those who just want to live life and be happy? Is my drive for success, change, creation and survivial only a byproduct of my depression?

Interesting question.

I’m adding a chapter on medications to my book Loving Someone with Bipolar Disorder. My coauthor John and I are working on it this month and the new editon of the book will come out in 2012 (yes, that is crazy!). I work much better when I’m down. So right now that I feel normal, I am going to make myself work as though I were down. There is a dichotomy!

How about you? Is there a particular mood where you are more productive? Julie

2 comments to Can you work when you are depressed?

  • I am the opposite really. When depressed I am pressing on to still accomplish things, albeit in a slower pace. But when hypo manic, boy I am accomplishing things in a fast manner and am much more sociable!!! I like that!! Down side of course, is that I need to keep a seriously careful eye out on NOT getting manic – cuz that gets counter productive in the sense that I will do things I am myself not comfortable with. Then the decision has to be made when to take additional meds, you know the type anti-psychotics that I passionately, positively hate! But then, it’s the question what I hate more: exposing myself in ways I feel uncomfortable with or taking meds. Meds win.

  • Ah, You mention something else: I am a very driven person – and have been wondering if that is part of my bipolar traits??? Or just me being me? Interesting to take a poll on – you’ve got enough readers to do one… idea?