“It’s hard to explain how much anxiety can affect breathing. Here is an example. I dream that I can’t breathe. Then, during the day I feel like I’ve been running a race. There is nothing wrong that I can tell, but I simply can’t breathe. My breathing is shallow and I start to worry that I’m having a reaction to a medication or that my lung is punctured. I used to go the ER with shooting pains in my ribs. My symptoms did look like a heart attack. Once I was diagnosed with bipolar disorder, it was easier to see what was anxiety and what was an actual physical illness in my heart or lungs. Even today, when I know everything I need to know about anxiety, it still scares me and really scares [ Read More ]
I have a lot of work to do today. I created the work. I want the work and darn it, I’m going to do the work. Getting myself in a space where the work is possible is a challenge. Here is what I’m going to do. 1. Notice the position of my shoulders. Yep. Up against my ears. I just lowered them. Doing this helped me take a natural and deep breath. 2. Focus on breathing. I put my arms behind my head and clasp them together. I push my shoulders back and breathe. 3. Go through a short EFT tapping session. Ah, that feels better. I am now back in my body instead of floating with anxiety. 4. Create a short to do list. Get it Done When You’re Depressed reminds me that to do lists can be short and in the moment. I have one task, [ Read More ]
I just sent out a newsletter. Here is what I experienced the entire time I was working:
1. Shortness of breath. 2. Felt like my heart was in my throat- literally- like a lump. 3. Dizziness 4. Worry 5. Guilt 6. Dread 7. Anger that I have to go through this CRAP 8. Lack of faith in what I was writing. 9. A great desire to simply quit what I was doing. 10. Zero belief I would reach my goal.
I have lived with this my entire life. It is my brain. I have a lot of mental health symptoms that simply show up when I work.
The secret is learning to work THROUGH them.
I sent that darn newsletter and it is beautiful. Who cares that I felt like I was dying [ Read More ]
Here is my DESPITE list- a positive way to look at what we CAN do when the mood swings are trying to take away our ability to live our lives.
Today, despite being quite sick, I did the following:
– I was nice to the people I met. – I talked with a friend on the phone instead of NOT answering. – Recorded a video when I was unable to work this morning. – Felt thankful for my therapist who understands how much I struggle with work due to my bipolar and anxiety. – Printed out the sheet music for a singing class I’m taking tonight to make myself get out in public, DESPITE being sick. – Talked nicely to myself. – Set up my next Cannabis and Bipolar Workshop. Reminded myself that it’s ok to only be able to set the date and not be able to market. That will come later when I [ Read More ]
After seven years of working with thousands of family members and partners, I’ve noticed one personality type that always causes confusion and distress for the family. I call this the Suspicious, Controller Personality. I of course see this behavior when a person with bipolar disorder is in a dysphoric, manic and psychotic episode, but I’m talking about personality here which means the behavior is consistent over time and is not part of a mood swing. I have found that cannabis with high THC affects this personality the most. This personality is usually seen in men and can be very confusing and scary for family members if it is a young son. I teach a communication tool that family members can use to successfully interact with such a personality to all of [ Read More ]
What if the Sun Doesn’t Come Out Tomorrow? Thoughts on Chronic Bipolar Disorder- A BP Magazine Blog from Julie A. Fast
Dealing with ‘bipolar envy’ when watching celebs with bipolar disorder jet set and live their lives.
I love writing for Bp Magazine. In this edition, I write about my bipolar envy and how I wish I were like the celebrities who seem to have bipolar and yet are still able to jet set around the world- ignore triggers- drink and live it up and still be stable. HMMM.
From the Bp Magazine for Bipolar blog:
I have a massive case of bipolar envy. I’ve heard of people who get really sick and then find a medication that works and they [ Read More ]
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Mom Brain Podcast
Listen to Julie’s latest interview on bipolar disorder and mental health in children, teens and adults on the Mom Brain Podcast with Hilaria Baldwin and Daphne Oz.
The health information contained herein is provided for general education purposes only. This site should not be seen as a substitute for an official diagnosis or for professional health care.