My friend Margery who has bipolar disorder just called and told me that her sister has decided to come down to Portland where she lives instead of staying in Seattle. Margery said, “I cooked her dinner a few years ago, Julie. I’m not spending days cooking for something that is gone in a few hours. It’s too stressful!” I agree. Margery just reserved a full Thanksgiving dinner from Whole foods. She picks it up Thanksgiving morning! She said it was so cheap when everyone went in on it. These stores have great and inexpensive salad bars as well.
Good idea: Say no to cooking if it’s too much for you. Let others do it or buy dinner from a store and bring it home. Or, eat out!
I’d like to say I’m immune to the whole Thanksgiving thing- but I’m not. I have to [ Read More ]
There is a commercial on the radio where I live here in Portland, Oregon that always makes me laugh. It says… ‘Beware of the holiday horrors! Buy all of your holiday presents now, the day after Thanksgiving and save yourself the stress of waiting until the last minute!” Oh, it sounds like torture to me! When did Thanksgiving become so much about Black Friday sales? In case you didn’t know, Black Friday is a sales day after the Thursday Thanksgiving here in the United States. It’s called Black Friday because it’s a day businesses can make enough money to balance the books instead of being in the red!
Ideas for Saving Money when You Have Bipolar Disorder
I just cut up my credit card…
This may have not been too smart business wise, but I felt it was necessary. I put everything on the card and it’s not like I was going on spending sprees- it was mostly normal stuff like groceries and dinner as well as my business stuff. But now that I have made a commitment to be 100% fiscally responsible this year (unlike some entities I can think of!), I think that going to a cash based system for small purchases makes more sense. I can actually think before I spend!
I will have to plan ahead when I go somewhere and ask myself- do I really want to spend $20 on dinner? Credit cards make it too easy to [ Read More ]
Just answered a question on my BP Magazine for Bipolar blog about the differences between #bipolar and #borderline regarding triggers. The person asking had the idea that bipolar is not a triggered illness while borderline is. Here is a brief clarification: Bipolar disorder is an ancient and genetic illness that affects a person’s ability to regulate the mood. It is not related to childhood events. It is not a trauma illness. It is also very episodic. When a person with bipolar is not manic or depressed, the mood is stable. Borderline is a personality disorder with symptoms that are consistent over time. The cause is up for debate. For the majority of people, borderline is trauma based. Bipolar and borderline are not related as illnesses. What about triggers? Bipolar is absolutely [ Read More ]
Bipolar disorder is about mania and depression mood swings. Within these mood swings, we can have a variety of symptoms including anxiety, attention and focus problems, irritation/anger and more. If you’re depressed and anxious, you’re normal. If you’re in a dysphoric manic episode and are anxious, you’re normal.
Panic attacks are a form of anxiety. A panic attack involves the overall body and mind sensation that there is danger around you and the reaction is one of breathing problems, chest heaviness, fear, the sense that something is wrong and the idea that you can’t go on or function.
Panic attacks are NEVER real. Let me clarify this- they are always about the brain and the body and illness. They are a part of the brain reaction called anxiety. There is [ Read More ]
A month ago, I had to stop a VIP. (A very important proposal. ) It was devastating. I cried and felt terrible that I once again was too sick to work. Please know that the community on this page helped me greatly with this and when I did make the decision to take a break from the project, I knew I would not be judged.
No one judged. The day after I let my agent and coauthor know I had to stop for awhile, my horrific and I mean mind blowingly horrific anxiety was almost gone. The proposal sample chapter was a trigger.
I was so embarrassed. There is Julie A. Fast- once again having to quit. But…. I remembered what I taught myself [ Read More ]
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Mom Brain Podcast
Listen to Julie’s latest interview on bipolar disorder and mental health in children, teens and adults on the Mom Brain Podcast with Hilaria Baldwin and Daphne Oz.
The health information contained herein is provided for general education purposes only. This site should not be seen as a substitute for an official diagnosis or for professional health care.