Never Give Up: Getting Better When You Have Bipolar Disorder


I’ve been suicidal thousands of times over the past 20 years. I know, that is a shocking sentence! My first suicidal episode was in 1983. My most recent suicidal episode was two weeks ago. I’ve been depressed all of my adult life off and on and the mania… well, let’s just say that for many years I let my mania slide a bit due to how much I got done when the euphoria was raging. I started having dysphoric manic episodes later in life and as I’ve matured, the anxiety is much worse. You would think this would all get me down, but I can be honest with you and say that when I focus on managing this complicated illness and truly focus on having a stable life, I am usually [ Read More ]

World Bipolar Day is Here! Yay!

We have come so far. In 1995, there was confusion on whether to call this illness #manic depression or #bipolar disorder. Now we have a #WorldBipolarDay. This is progress! #BipolarStrong


#WorldBipolarDay Julie A. Fast Q&A: Bipolar Disorder Hypersexuality vs. Trauma

Julie, I used to look back on some things and simply think they were signs of me acting out because of childhood sexual abuse but, in hindsight, it also looks a lot like manic phases and the risky behaviour associated with that. Is it possible to distinguish between the two or is it more a case of the two colliding and the severity of the episode? N.

Hi N. I’m going to get on my soap box here. We talk so much about trauma today- and that is very, very important, but I can’t stress this enough. Bipolar disorder is not and never has been trauma based. Our hyper sexuality is NOT from abuse. There is an enormous difference from acting out due to sexual abuse and the hyper sexuality that comes [ Read More ]

World Bipolar Day with Julie A. Fast

#WorldBipolarDay means that I can talk openly about my illness. It’s just an illness. We are not weird. We are not freaks. We have a genetic illness. But wow, it sure is hard to manage! We need help and your understanding. That’s for sure! It’s great working with The International Bipolar Foundation and talking about #BipolarStrong. We can be honest about what we experience. Julie


Why I Keep Taking My Bipolar Medications

Bipolar medications work. [ Read More ]

What are the Signs of Panic Attacks in Anxiety?

This is my anxious face!

What are the signs of panic attacks in anxiety?

Here is a story:

Julie, I was feeling ok this morning and decided to work on my latest work project when I get to the office. It is due next week and I’ve had such a hard time getting it done. My boss is understanding, but she really can’t cover for me any more. I’ve never gone through such a tough time work wise. Never.

This morning, I got up feeling ok. I drove to work with a smile on my face. Nothing was wrong. Nothing. I am not sick. I like my work. In about five minutes, my heart started pounding. I could feel it. Not one thing had changed from the moment I left my house. [ Read More ]