I just read the following on Yahoo.
Charlie Sheen
By Mike Krumboltz, Yahoo!
What’s worse than being replaced by Ashton Kutcher? How about having your character die a fiery death. Word around Tinseltown is that Sheen’s character on “Two and a Half Men” could be killed off in the coming season…… *
Wow. Do they have to kill off his character? I know he has broken a lot of promises and people are really mad, but killing off his character is a bit harsh.
As you know if you read this blog, I don’t believe people should be punished for getting manic. I had hoped Charlie Sheen would go down enough to get help, but it just goes on and on.
Here is a link with more information: I hope it’s all gossip. But one never knows!
PS: I’m lucky there were no cameras around in my younger manic days!
The video clip here was my first look at Charlie.
I’m type 1 for many years so I can’t speak to the types that “wonder” if this applies to them. So yah Charlie looks like me when manic BUT he also has that crystal meth look. I’m just sayin. He I’s all red and twitchy just like tweekers.
Hi Mark, I 100% agree with you. I think he has drug induced mania. I’d bet on it. Probably crack- but it’s interesting you say meth. Who knows. It’s awful either way as once you go manic once- you’re bipolar for life.
It’s something- but as I wrote in other articles- drugs don’t tend to produce the type of manic talk he says- it’s a fascinating way of talking that only a manic person can produce!
Thanks for your comment and insight. Julie