Choose your friends wisely.. . so they can be there when you need them!

My friend of 20 years Pam. I think it helps that she is in Texas and I can't drive her crazy!

Choose Friends Who  Improve Your Life

 I’ve been mood swing challlenged in the past few months. . I hate it as I’m sure you do! We know what we go through. I’m sad for my friends and mother when I get this sick.  If you love someone with bipolar disorder- you probably know what my mother and friends go through as well. I try hard to limit my crying and worrying when I’m around them, but sometimes I can’t help it. One of my friends said, “Don’t worry Julie. You can be honest with me. I’ll be your guiding light when you need me.” We all need friends like this.  But I’m often a bit paranoid and think that are just saying it and don’t mean it!

 I try so hard not to burden my friends and I definitely spread myself out amongst them – but they have to be ready for when I get really sick. A huge part of my treatment plan is the third section of the Health Cards (you can read about the Health Cards from a link at the top of this blog) – my friends and family have this section memorized and it makes all of the difference for me. I’m often able to get myself through a down swing – but during the times, like this week, that the down swing is particularly severe- I need them even more. I know that if I cry and feel hopeless and helpless they will be there and know exactly what to do- because I taught them when I was well. It takes special friends to be this wonderful. I lost most of my friends in the late 90’s due to my negativity and neediness. It really is possible to change and be a person that someone wants as a friend!

1 comment to Choose your friends wisely.. . so they can be there when you need them!

  • hey Julie,
    sorry hear you’re swinging with your moods.I really enjoyed your articles in the people magazine. Your honesty is refreshing. Far too often than not people to advocate for mental health beat themselves up over and over again when there’s some back peddling done with its. Nice to have a mother and caregivers that really care for you. I’m privileged to have a mother family that does the same for me. Although, where 1700 miles away from each other!

    I really enjoyed the fact that you expressed you work two jobs one part-time and one full-time. The full-time job been working on your stability and recovery.

    I encourage you to keep up whatever is To go, tap into those health cards, and keep writing. Because without you, a lot of us would’ve been lost long time ago.
