Well, I certainly know a lot of people who have been hit hard by our ‘current economic situation.’ That is for sure. Some of my friends have lost jobs, others have seen their profits decrease- and many are worried about getting laid off.But! I also have friends who have done very well in this economy. For example, a friend of mine works for an online college and they are doing very well. Refinanice mortgage companies and debt relief companies sure seem to be going strong.
My moods have defintely been affected by all that is going on. It’s a daily task to remain positive- but I have to do it. What is the alternative? I would rather be in a bad situation with a good attitude than a bad situation with a despairing attitude.This takes 24 hour work on my part. The positive attitude can be tough.
I was on TV yesterday – which was fun and great- then a few hours later I heard that one of my very important recording studio work projects fell through. It was quite a blow. I was down last night and woke up pretty worried this morning- and then I thought to myself: Only I can do something about this.I made it to my office and started to work. I got online to find another recording studio- I put some flowers on my desk- they are beautiful irises. I talk with my webmaster soon – we will work on continually improving my books and website.You just have to keep going even when you’re crying. Here is one of my favorite pictures of all time.
I am always sending it to people-The way my day turns out is up to me. I may be depressed – I may be sad, but I can still work and see friends and family. What my brain is saying is not always true! There is a big difference between depression and concern about work and the economy! Things will pick up as they always do- and we will be going strong again!Julie
PS: I just sent out a great newsletter on paranoia and relationships- if you are on the mailing list and didn’t receive the newsletter, please check your spam folder. If you
I am bi polar and when i lost my job i lost it. it was very hard to keep it together. i was unemployed for a year and lost my best friend because of my mood swings caused by bi polar, he just didnt want to deal with it anymore. Anyways…..I am working now and try and keep the mood swins in check, after all i do have to hold down a job.
Dear Julie,
I may not be offered a contract for teaching for next year; I’ll know in two weeks. But I am handling the news in stride now, thanks to daily emotional goals and meds compliance, etc.
This morning, I finished reworking a resume and sent it off to the employer via email. I’d much rather have a job waiting for me than to not have one at all! I sent another resume two days ago. I’m doing so much better now that I’m realizing a window of opportunity really does open when the door closes.
It’s not always easy, but you’re right – keep on plugging!
I have been dealing w/BP2 for over 4 decades. My house is 4Sale w/little to no interest in these times, my husband is an alcoholic, my family (or my husbands) have no interest in learning about mental health issues, my Dr. & not very progressive, yet he is the only local Psychiatrist and, yet I am still here. It’s definitely a day to day thing just to survive, yet alone, find a purpose or grand meaning in life. For some of us, being a survivor IS the grand purpose. Thanks for your blog.
Hi Elle,
If we can survive bipolar disorder, we can literally survive anything. Good luck to you. Julie
I too put tall, beautiful irises right in the middle of my kitchen last weeekend. They’ve dropped blooms – and now more flowers are getting ready to come out. Every time I look at them I am reminded that there is hope, that there is beauty even if I’m not feeling any in my heart, and that I too can continue to grow.
thank u for this. I needed some cheering up. financially we are at out wits’ end. I function only due to my meds. without them i’d be dead now. bipolar is no joke, and having financial problems on top of it…well, it’s hard to stay sane. I CAN choose to enjoy as much of my life THIS MOMENT as I can, no matter what is going on around me. so I try. I fight depression. my meds keep me from mania which is good or we’d be in worse trouble. I thank god I still have left things to be thankful for RIGHT NOW. tomorrow will be dealt with tomorrow. that’s how I cope with money problems I can’t fix. one day at a time. if I live in the present I can cope better with bipolar too. thanks for this blog and newsletter things u put out. it helps. u know what we live with.
take care.