Growing older with bipolar disorder? Well, we all are. I have not found this illness any easier to deal with as I get older, but I always remember what my amazing therapist told me many years ago, “Julie, the illness is the same, but your ability to deal with it has changed dramatically.”
True. It can be the same for you. It doesn’t matter where you start, it just matters that you start. We need a plan. This illness is too strong for us to handle on our own. If you are in your 50s like myself or older, it’s never too late to start anything when it comes to managing this illness.
1. Stay curious and be open to new ways of thinking. This helps with depression and reminds us that the world can be a beautiful place.
2. Ask for help even if you feel you can’t talk. Depression tells you that you can’t talk, but the voice is there. Depression doesn’t actually change our physical abilities. It changes our feelings about our physical abilities. Read Get it Done When You’re Depressed before you think there is no help for you. This book works.
3. Get help for mania before you get manic. Depression has a huge treatment window, mania can have a few hours. Mania must be prevented. Use The Health Cards and the Mental Health Recovery and WRAP® – Wellness Recovery Action Plan program.
4. Get help for addictive behaviors. This is not only about drugs and alcohol. Ice cream is my heroin. Anonymous sex can be addictive. Co-dependent behavior is addictive behavior. Notice that I am not saying get help for addictions. In my experience, very few of us with bipolar are actually addicted. I have found the most of us are self medicating. There is a big difference. I overeat when I am sick. I am rather normal around food when stable. I can’t speak for everyone with bipolar, but I can speak for many.
Click here to read my article The Bipolar Disorder “Not-So-Great Coping” List from Bp Magazine.