Happy New Year- hope for a stable 2010

I did it! After years of worrying about the holidays- I managed to have a pretty good time due to lots of planning.  I hope it was the same for you.  Thanks for all of the comments on this topic. It helps so much to hear from others who have similar experiences.  I went to a small and very fun party on the 31st. I even stayed up until midnight! A rarity for me due to SLEEP ISSUES! Here is a picture of myself and my dear friend and former radio show co-host Avi.

julie avi new years 2009

I have one goal for all of us in 2010:

STABILITY. When we (and the people we love) are stable, anything is possible.


8 comments to Happy New Year- hope for a stable 2010

  • kathy

    Happy New Year Julie…may you be as happy as you look in that picture as often as possible!

  • Hello Kathy,

    Thank you very much. The depression is strong- and I hope it doesn’t show up as much in 2010. I definitely had less in 2009- I am grateful. julie

  • Bobbi

    Happy New Year, Julie. STABILITY = MODERATION & BALANCE. Three powerful words that require THOUGHT,DETERMINATION & DISCIPLINE. The other word for me is PRAYER! I think CONTENTMENT is what we are all searching for. Happiness is fleeting. Contentment takes permanent residence when we are at peace within… that’s the hard part…. accepting where we are and what we have at any given moment. I appreciate the work you’ve done for yourself that has helped you and so many others. You have already helped me, too!

  • Kay Cason

    My friend (who is a male) has just gone through an episode. He has been on prozac for some time and tolerates it well. The Holidays were just too much for him. I want to help but I’m not sure what I can do or encourage?

  • Hi Kay,

    I always say that the best way to help someone with bipolar disorder is to understand bipolar disorder. A good place to start is with my books that mention the Bipolar Conversation. This helps you know when he is in a mood swing and when he is more stable. When someone is in a down swing after having a hard time during the holidays- trying to help and cheer them up doesn’t really work- what works is addressing the mood swings directly. I know that I had a bipolar conversation the other night- and I’m an expert at NOT having them- but my friend didn’t know what to do. I have sense taught her the plan. Take Charge of Bipolar Disorder has a whole chapter on the topic.

    Your friend is lucky to have you!~ Julie

  • Wendy Martinez

    I have a daughter who has just been diagnosed with bipolar disorder and we thankfully have her on the proper medications now–Depakote and Seroquel. Before she was properly diagnosed she was being treated for major depressive disorder and was prescribed with an antidepressant which made her more depressed, anxious, and suicidal. Thankfully she came to me to let me know how she was feeling so we could get her to the hospital and on the right course of treatment. The new meds work great, counseling is helpful, but she is still struggling with her self-esteem and body issues. She has urges every day to purge which worries me. Does anyone have any suggestions on what we might be able to do to help her feel better about herself?

  • Bobbi

    Would everyone out there please share about how they found the ‘right’ Dr.! I have had really bad experiences with psychiatrists and never want to see another one. However, I would welcome some input on this. I have been searching for a psych. nurse practioner, but can’t find any in our area! I’m sure I probably need to find someone other than my GP because what do I do when HE retires? This may be in the wrong place, but I’m new to the blogging….

  • This comes a little late but still HAPPY NEW YEAR, Julie!