I wonder what it would be like if everyone in the world worked at being healthy, wealthy and wise! I know what it would look like for me.
Healthy: Lose weight slowly and keep it off forever! Stop chewing ice! Work on my posture- ( as I wrote this I noticed I was totally bent over my computer!) Avoid situations that cause mood swings. Get plenty of sleep. (As I reread this I noticed I was bent over my computer!)
Wealthy: Stop behaviors that create debt. Use cash. Think before I spend. Remember that there is PLENTY of money in the world. Help others. Save my money for a rainy day. Never let the government affect my money situation. Read wealth creating books.
Wise: Listen as much as I talk! Admit that I’m human when I’m cruel, mean or petty. Remind myself that ‘it’s an illness!” Lose weight, use cash, stop chewing ice. Say, “I’m sorry” and mean it.
What a great exercise. This comes from the rhyme:
Early to Bed, Early to Rise
Makes a Person Healthy, Wealthy and Wise.
I would add that a relentlessly positive attitude helps in all of these areas. I’ve certainly experienced a lot of setbacks in all of them due to this illness. That is really the main challenge. I’d be interested to see your healthy, wealthy and wise list!
PS: Here is what I think when I read this. HAHAHAHAHA! Well, I stopped chewing ice a long time ago. That is a good thing. I do work on everything else. 😉
PSS: I know it’s hard to tell, but that is not me in the picture.
Love it! Things I’m sure we all know we should do, but sometimes don’t or not at all. Thank you for your post! I enjoyed reading it very much!
I don’t always do what I need to do- but I at least recognize my behavior and can change in the future! 😉 Julie