Hello Blog Readers!

Thank you so very much for all of your comments and kind words. As you can tell, I’m not able to answer each comment individually- though I want to! I read all of them- every day.

My new meds regime is still working- the depression has been cut by about 75%.  Yes, that much.  When I do have a down day, it’s pretty severe which is interesting. I just wrote about it.  But I’m so thankful that I finally have some relief. This is my nephew David being silly. I am astonished at how much more emotional energy I have now- I can just hang out with him without feeling miserable.  He says he can notice the difference.

If I can get so much better at age 48, there is hope for everyone. I mean that.



Once again. Thank you so much for your kind words. They have kept me going for many, many years!



PS: Feel free to answer any comment- we all have so much information and can help each other in many ways. I like your advice as well!

4 comments to Hello Blog Readers!

  • denise

    I just discovered your website but I discovered your book ‘Loving Someone with Bipolar Disorder’ years ago. It has been a great resource in understanding our son who is now an adult and I give it to any significant other who comes into his life. It is a great resource. Thanks for writing it.

  • FNCrazy77

    Sorry to do it here, but I think someone might have hacked your twitter account. I got a direct message from “you” saying someone was making up cruel things about me, along with a link. I messaged you on twitter, but then thought if it had been hacked, you might not be able to see it…Just FYI

    • You are so sweet to find me out and let me know! I have about 500 followers and wasn’t able to get to all of them, but I did a few postings and the crisis is over. What a rotten thing to do- dumb spammers. I recommend that everyone change their passwords all all acounts regularly. Yes, it’s a bother, but it’s better than your accounting sending out a Tweet that says, “Hello, someone is writing terrible things about you on Twitter.” Phew! Julie