How I Describe Bipolar Disorder


People often ask me what I do. When I explain that I create management plans for people with bipolar disorder and depression, I get a lot of interest. Since my first book came out in 2004, I have never attended a social gathering without someone asking me for more information about bipolar. 

Here is the script I use to explain bipolar disorder: “Bipolar disorder is a genetic illness that affects a person’s ability to self regulate the mood. We have three mood swings: depression, mania and an episode that combines depression and mania called a mixed episode. Within these episodes we can also experience anxiety, psychosis, irritation, restlessness, anger and focus problems. All of our symptoms are from an illness and have nothing to do with how we were raised. Bipolar is an ancient illness that was recorded thousands of years ago.  The illness is treated with a management plan that includes lifestyle changes especially around sleep as well as the use of medications for the symptoms we can’t learn to mange on our own. Bipolar is not a weakness and it’s not psychological. It’s similar to diabetes in that it involves changes in body chemicals.” 

I can honestly say that I have not once talked about bipolar disorder in a crowd without someone coming up to me afterwards and saying thank you and then telling me their story about bipolar.  Usually it is more than one person! 


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