How to Stop an Anxiety Mood Swing in the Middle!

Are you the middle of a mood swing? Do you want it to stop? Let’s do this together.

1. Identify the mood swing. Is is depression, mania, psychosis, anxiety, irritation and anger or a focus issue?

2. Is there an obvious trigger?

3. Have you experienced this before?

4. If yes, what didn’t work in the past to get you out of the mood swing?

5. If yes, what did work to get you out of the mood swing?

That is always my first stage plan… what is actually going on?

I will do this process with my current mood swing:

I’m outside at one of my favorite work spots. I came here to work. I can’t work.

1. It is anxiety. I know the signs. Shortness of breath. A slight feeling of fear. Worry that I will never get this project done. Feeling worthless and dumb for not being able to work. Cold. Shakey. Frustrated. Upset.

2. Is there a trigger- yes, it is 100% the sample chapter I am writing for my book proposal.

3. Have I experienced this before? Oh heck yes and I am SICK of it. But, I now know that the book project is a trigger. For awhile, I was worried I was simply having more anxiety in life in general. This is not the case. The anxiety is specific to this project- so it’s moving into the territory of being a phobia.

4. What didn’t work in the past? Forcing myself to work when I can’t. Being mean to myself. Deconstructing my work problems. Being mean to myself… being mean to myself. Getting down on myself. Asking What on earth is wrong with you Julie! Sitting in the same place and trying to work when I can’t. Forcing myself to do something that is not possible.

5. What did work? Breathing. I realize I am hunching my shoulders, my mouth is pinched.. I’m upset and it is surely on my face. I probably look like an angry woman and I’m not. I will take a pic of my face right in this anxious moment.

I am now going to breathe. As Anthony Robbins often says- how we hold our body affects our mood. I am going to release my shoulders. Think of the movie I’m seeing this afternoon. Smile when I don’t feel like it. I’m doing some tapping on my relaxing points.

Breathe and let’s see the difference.

We can stop mood swings in the middle. It will at least put us on a different path to a better afternoon and evening.


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