How about that for a title. My friend Zeke Camusio is an entrepreneur who has had a lot of business success. He is also interested in the psychology side of business. He wrote a blog post called How to Stop Worrying Forever. I like the concept. Here is the beginning of the blog and then a link for the rest. How can we apply this to bipolar disorder worry? It’s a good question.
I think we can all agree that worrying sucks. It’s a waste of energy, because nothing gets fixed by just worrying about it. We worry because we feel that by worrying we are in control of situations, but we all know that this is just an illusion.
I used to be a chronic worrier and for the last couple of years I’ve been experimenting different techniques and reading books on how to get rid of worry. This is, in a nutshell, what I’ve learned.
Click here to read the rest of Zeke’s blog.