1.Know you are not alone. I have spent many lonely holidays simply from not planning ahead.
2. Remove yourself from the idea of what this day SHOULD be like and focus on what you can make happen from this moment forward. Holidays are stressful because even though they are simply a day on the calendar, society puts enormous stress on what we should be doing on that day. Step out of this and create something of your own.
3. If there is time, plan something now. Call a person you think might be available. It you were invited to a party and said no because you were depressed, call and say you’re coming. If, and this is important too- you are expected to be somewhere and truly feel it will make you worse and that doing something else would be better, make the change now.
4. Learn from your mistakes. If you feel rotten that you don’t have anything planned this weekend, plan something now for New Year’s Eve.
5. Ask people to come to you. Ask for company. Don’t worry if you feel embarrassed, that is NORMAL. If you ask, you will receive. If you don’t ask, you will probably stay alone. There is someone like you in the world who wants company today. Find that person. I always loved going to Christmas Eve karaoke with my friends. That is a blast. If you’re religious, find a church and GO. If you’re spiritual, find a group that celebrates this weekend in a way you enjoy. If you’re lonely for your love, create something beautiful for that person and send it out in the world.
As you can see, all I’m saying is that even when we are depressed, we control our destiny. If you are not sure where you will be tonight- and being somewhere tonight is important to you, make plans now. Visit www.Meetup.com and find an event! I do this all of the time.
We make our own happiness. Loneliness today- lack of plans today- doesn’t have to be loneliness and a lack of plans for tonight or tomorrow. YOU CAN DO IT!
PS: Make a Christmas Cactus Cake and take it to a place that would make people happy. Click here to see the directions on how to make this cake. This is from the Alana Jones Mann website.
Post on Facebook that you don’t have plans for tonight and want to meet like minded people to see LA LA Land this evening!
Remind yourself that if you’re depressed, it’s normal. You don’t have to listen to it. You can fight it and go out anyway.