I’m often asked to explain what I do. This is it in a nut shell!
All of my books are based off of my Health Cards Treatment Plan for Bipolar Disorder. All of my books work for those with the illness and are especially helpful for those who care about someone with the illness and just want to know what in the world is going on when their loved one gets sick.
If you scroll to the bottom of the page- you can see my books package. This is the most popular way to get all of my work. I call it the complete management system. It’s also great to get a box of books delivered to your door that you know will change your life.
All of my books are guaranteed- I know they work.

You can tell this picture is before 2012 as the cover of Loving is still orange! It was changed to the blue cover when the book was reissued with a new chapter in 2012.
Partner and Family Member Coaching
Education about bipolar disorder is essential. It’s the only way to manage the illness successfully. When I work with my coaching clients, I have a three step plan: Education, treatment and then management.
Wouldn’t it be great if your loved one could have all three? They can. It’s a lot of work, but bipolar disorder managment is completely possible. I only work with parents and partners. Most of my books are for those with the illness or the partner- but I know that the parents and other relatives need some help too!
My coaching is so close to my heart. My clients are often in great crisis. The person with the illness may refuse to even talk about bipolar, may refuse medications after a diagnosis, and in many cases live at home with no means of supporting themselves.
I have worked with it all- nothing and I mean NOTHING surprises me and I know that everyone I work with will always have a better understanding of why their loved one is having a tough time. (When I say nothing surprises me, I mean it: jail, calling the police, alcohol and drug problemis, aggression, suicide attempts, prostitution, staying in a room all day for weeks, dangerous mania and psychosis, just to name a few of the topics I work on with my clients. I of course work with calmer cases such as helping a loved one accept a diagnosis and take medications.)
There is an application process to make sure we would be a good coaching fit. Once I receive the application, we can set up a free 30 minute intake session. We usually get a lot accomplished in that session alone.
Thanks for your support of my work. I have one goal: I want ALL of us affected by this illness to find stability and be healthy.
For those who are looking for an inexpensive way to read my work, Loving, Take Charge and Get it Done are available in libraries and are usually available used online.