Julie Fast Video: Feeling intimidated by your bipolar disorder doctor?

I recently did a series of interviews for a large mental health website called healthyplace.com. Here is one of the first videos I recorded. I’d like to set this up a bit before you watch it. I went through a terrible experience in 1994 when my partner Ivan got very sick and was in the hospital for three months in a manic/psychotic episode. I was scared, overwhelmed and very confused about what was going on. I never met his doctor when he was in the hospital! The nurses were wonderful, but no one actually explained the illness or why he was so sick. I literally had to do everything on my own. Things have changed a lot of course! I wrote books on this experience myself- so the information is more out there now. The video below is a response to the question of what we can do to work successfully without health care professionals when we or someone we care about are in crisis.  I want to say that I sound pretty forceful in this video- and I do believe what I say- but I want to also make it clear that the health care professionals in my life are 100% a part of my team. I care about them and respect them deeply!

1 comment to Julie Fast Video: Feeling intimidated by your bipolar disorder doctor?

  • Sandra

    These videos are GREAT – VERY helpful. I just listened to all of your segments.

    It’s such a relief to hear you say that arguments can cause a relapse, that you have to stay away from certain triggers. I have people at work who tell me I just have to learn to deal with it. Well, to an extent that is true. But when I’m in over my head, to the point at which I’m risking my mental health, I need them to come in and assist in ironing out any conflict that may have arisen. It hasn’t happened often, but when it has, the results are disastrous. Right now I’m learning how to deal with anxiety and conflict better, but until I have more tools at my disposal, I do need the help on occasion.
