Letter From a Partner with Bipolar Disorder (Pt 1)

 Loving Someone with Bipolar Disorder
from a Partner with Bipolar Disorder Pt 1

by Julie A. Fast 

This is part one of a two part series for partners.


The following is a note from a person with bipolar disorder to their partner.

Here are the qualities a I would love to have in a partner!

1. Consistency. I can then model you when it’s hard for me to manage my moods.

2. Understanding of my need for structure– and an equal understanding of how hard it can be for me to create and stick to structure.

3. Willing to read books about bipolar disorder– especially Loving Someone with Bipolar Disorder and Take Charge of Bipolar Disorder. These are great books for discussion.

4. Loving, kind and very, very honest communication. You have to tell me how you feel if I upset you- otherwise it stays bottled up and you will want to leave. And then you will feel guilty!  (Believe me, this happens a lot.)

5. When I’m unreasonable, you know what to say, “This is bipolar disorder talking. We need to focus on managing this illness together. I love you, but I will not let you treat me unkindly.”

6. Set very firm boundaries regarding my bipolar management such as taking medications, dealing with drug and alcohol dependency, sleep decisions, money etc.

7. Stability. Your stability helps my stability.

Thank you from my heart,

Your Loving Partner

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