Loving Someone with Bipolar Disorder: Strategies for Partners ❤️

Partner of a person with bipolar disorder or schizoaffective disorder? Please join me on The Stable Bed. This is a group for partners and is based off the ideas in all of my books with a specific focus on Loving Someone with Bipolar Disorder.
📘Loving was the first book on the market to speak to a partner of a person with a mental health disorder. It has sold over 400,000copies!
Loving Someone with Bipolar Disorder will  help you better understand the illness and will also help you see that management is possible.
The image below is an excerpt from the book. It shows the practical advice included in the book. Chapter Six teaches you to create a What Works and What Doesn’t Work list for each mood swing. This is based off of the system you will find explained in detail in my Health Cards Treatment System for Bipolar Disorder from my Bipolar Happens web page. The Health Cards and Loving go very well together.
🎭 Books are cheap. Their content is invaluable. I truly believe in the power of books to change our relationships for the better, especially when you love someone with bipolar!


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