Lucky me! Lucky me!

When you’re a person who is depressed a great deal of the time, you have to really notice and appreciate the times when things go right. I have a phrase I use to remind myself that great things do happen in my life. I think it’s important to have a phrase to use each time you experience something great- a nice short phrase where you can say thanks for what happened.


When I have a good time with a friend- or someone helps me feel better, or I learn something or I get to go to karaoke and have fun!

I say, “Lucky me. Lucky me! ‘ to myself. This triggers the realization that good things happen to me.

What phrase can you use!



I love to find pictures to go with blogs. This time I typed in Lucky Me and saw a LOT of noodles. There is obviously a noodle company called Lucky Me!


2 comments to Lucky me! Lucky me!

  • Judy

    Haha…love the noodle connection! What a great way to jog one’s mind and emotions that something has been very positive for you. Love your tips Julie, they are so user friendly!

  • Maureen

    I love to give God the glory Julie, so I say ‘praise be to God above’ that does it for me always.
    Simple but very effective.
    I wouldnt be here in the midst of all this BP if it were not for Him holding my hand and leading me all the way through the valleys and the mountain tops.