Manic Depression Mania: SpInNing into butter..

There is an old saying I remember from my childhood called ‘spinning into butter.’ It means things get so out of control, the milk just whirls and whirls around until it becomes a solid mass of butter!

Mania is like spinning into butter- that’s for sure.  The name Manic Depression was used for so long because it’s an apt description for bipolar in most ways- though we now know the illness is so much more- but… the mania is so dangerous in that it can wreck your life very, very quickly.

If you feel you’re spinning into butter- it can be from anxiety, doing too much, other triggers or… simply from a hypomanic or manic episode.

What is the next step? Make yourself sit down and take an honest evaluation of where you are.  If you’re manic, or starting to get manic- now is the time to take action- not creative action- but manic stopping action. It’s better to be milk than butter.

My book Take Charge of Bipolar Disorder has a good and very easy to read section on mania. I would start with the mania posts on the blog- you can go to the right and click on the mania category- and then I would use Take Charge.

No butter. Julie

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