Manic depression is such an old term. I like to use it once in awhile. It’s certainly descripitve! Now, on with the blog!
I ask myself this question a lot- so I will ask it to you. What can you do if your bipolar simply won’t stop affecting your life? I know that I do every single thing I write about in my books and have changed my life 100%. And yet there is still a problem. Bipolar disorder can be managed, but it doesn’t go away.
This sucks- pardon my French.
I no longer struggle with the ‘why me’ of having this illness. What I struggle with is working so hard every minute of the day and still being sick off and on. I do know that I would be in and out of the hospital without my plan. And I know I would not be able to do the work I love so much and have friends and family all around me who want to support my wellness. I would not be able to travel and write books and…..
But it sure does take a lot of time to manage the constant mood swings. I am not going to stop trying- but I am going to continually search for what I can do to move to the next step. I use the Health Cards and my other book ideas all day and every day- they have given me a great life in many ways. I now ask myself what I can do next. I’m thinking about it.
And you? Julie
Hey Julie!
What a great question. I have recently been granted disability and am finding myself in the position of building a new life. So much of my identity was wrapped up in my workworld that without that there was little left. I am working more on my parenting which seems to be paying off – with three kids it’s always a challenge. I’ve been working quite creatively as well but sometimes it feels like a manic thing and then other times I’m frustrated by not having that extreme creative push. I’m trying to use my creativity to help to create my new life so I’m writing, singing and making jewelry. One of my beautiful friends calls it my own personal rennaisance. I loved it. In my new recreation of life I am having problems with keeping balanced mentally and with my toxic relationships. I am becoming stronger and more disillusioned with those relationships but what is a person to do? Trying to stay stable is hard enough without rocking the boat to an extreme. Any words of wisdom would be welcome.
Thanks – Melissa –