Mini Newsletter: Mania Story

 I recently told the story on the blog about a person who goes to Walmart when she’s manic. The story definitely has a twist! A reader left a comment that said, “Is this real?”

Oh yes.  Everyone with bipolar has mania stories- here is one- A woman is hypomanic but doesn’t realize it.  She is just incredibly happy to finally feel  better after weeks of depression.  The mania feels so good! And she is still functioning, so she goes to Nordstrom to finally buy some winter shoes. She rarely shops as she is careful with her money. And shopping has less appeal when she’s depressed. So… Here is what happened:

Nordstrom sales person, ” Hello- What can I do for you today?”

Manic person: “I need to get some boots for the winter and a pair of shoes to wear on stage when I speak.”

This seems normal enough- but then a thought comes into the woman’s head. I need to buy the best and the best are the best looking and the most expensive. I want to show that I am the best and deserve the best.  And I am going to wear these shoes for a long time!! I will look great! Look at all of these beautiful shoes.

After trying on about 15 pairs of shoes, the woman says, “I will take the black boots and the lace up black shoes. They are both really comfortable.”

Oh, it feels good and the shoes will look so great! The very patient Nordstrom sales person says, “Great!”

Total bill? Take a guess. If you have been manic, you will probably be closer than most.

$589 dollars.

Wooo. Sticker shock!  Imagine how she felt when she came down from the mania a few days later. All of the justifications seemed pretty irrational. She took one pair back- the expensive pair and kept the boots.

Of course this story is about me!

Mania gets us all. This is why I am so incredibly vigilant about charting my moods and using my mania Health Card- but mania is so very, very sneaky.  It feels so good you don’t want to deny it. But you have to or it will cost you a lot of money!

How is your mania treatment plan? Do you have a plan for the family or your partner if you love someone with the illness? As a health care professional, do you know the signs of each client’s mania? It can be hard because people who are manic can be so persuasive!


1 comment to Mini Newsletter: Mania Story

  • Manic, hypersexual, and ashamed

    Hi Julie,

    I am in a manic state right now and it feels so good after being severely depressed for over two years. At this time I am doing something that is both distructive and dishonest. I am “talking to/dating” four men at the same time (three of them have expressed their love and desire for long term relationships with me). While most of our recent interaction has been over the internet and telephone I have arranged visits with all of them. They are not strangers to me (I have known them all for many years) and I know this behavior and perhaps our friendships have got to stop. The problem is I don’t know how to tell these men that I can’t be involved with them anymore with out hurting them and making myself look absolutely foolish and of poor moral character (so far I have had sex with three of them). Two of the men are aware that I have bipolar illness but I don’t know if they know about the hypersexual behavior that can accompany mania. I know this behavior is wrong I just can’t seem to put an end to it. Any advice you can offer would be greatly appreciated.

    Manic,Hypersexual, and Ashamed