Manic Spending: More Money Saving Tips for People with Bipolar


When my mania has the upper hand and I’m itching to buy 1000 Sharpies or earrings and items I don’t need, I go cash only for awhile. This means taking the debit card out of my wallet and getting a wad of ones and using them to pay for purchases. Nothing calms me down more than counting out $29 in ones if I want to buy a new pen set. I will think before buying. If I’m manic and it’s a debit card, forget it. The money means nothing. Here is a note from a reader who tried this process.

Hi Julie,

I, too, have gone cash only; with the exception of a low limit credit card to purchase books online that can’t be purchased any other way.

I find that I don’t get the shopping rush if I JUST DON’T GO IN THE STORE. This is tough. I had to go to the store recently for some necessities with cash only. However, I spent all the cash. I felt great while I was putting things in the buggy and not so great when I reached in to buy lunch and didn’t have enough to eat. I suggest staying HOME. I really don’t NEED all that stuff, anyway.

All the commom sense things work when ‘well’. Eg. Meal planning for the week or month and going in with only that much cash. Repurposing household items, swapping clothes with a friend, swapping books, even furniture that you are tired of. It still feels new if your friend’s stuff is in your house! I do some couponing, but healthy eating coupons are hard to come by. Give gifts of my time instead of expensive presents. Plan ahead for errands and make one day to get it all done. Saves a lot on gas! Ask people to NOT give me gifts! That helps with the obligation aspect of things and saves a lot of money. Turn the thermostat up a few degrees in the summer and down a few degrees in the winter. For every degree you change, you save 10% of your bill! Be careful not to change it too much as even the furniture and walls heat and cool as well. If you change too much, you still end up using the same energy to re-heat and re-cool all that stuff. If you are really into saving money, UNPLUG all eletronics when not in use. It’s a pain to keep plugging all those things back in, but it can save you a ton of money. electronics have ‘power’ going to them even when they are OFF. TV’s, stereos, COMPUTERS, etc. Stop eating out. You would be surprised at how much you can save. When you can, buy store brands and generic brands of everything. I have also starting hanging my clothes on a backporch line. Saved me about $50.00 the first month. These are just some of the things I try to do.




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