My Bp Magazine Blog: An Interview with Sherry Joiner. What is the Difference between Bipolar Disorder and Schizo-affective Disorder?

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Note: It’s Labor Day here in the States. I’m doing a contest where a person who has schizoaffective disorder can win Sherry’s book. Please visit my Facebook page at Julie A. Fast for contest details. Today only! Woo. Today is also the day we announce the winner of Sherry’s beautiful flower painting that you see below. So if you bought her book in the past month, please make sure you send in your name to BooksbyMental Health Writers  at  gmail dot com with your contact info.

Do you know the difference between bipolar disorder and schizo-affective disorder?

I interviewed Sherry Joiner, the author of Sherry Goes Sane: Living a Life with Schizo Affective Disorder and asked her to explain the difference and tell us more about her life with the illness.


Sherry and I met at a writer’s meeting many years ago. She told me she wanted to write a book about living with schizoaffective disorder. Years later I spoke at a bipolar disorder support group. I looked up and there she was. She said, “Guess what Julie! I wrote my book!”   We are now close friends. I asked her about the differences between schizo affective disorder and bipolar disorder in part one of our interview.

Click here to visit the BP Magazine blog and read more!

 I just took this picture of Sherry today in my mother’s backyard. She’s holding one of her most beautiful paintings and her book. We just did a contest on Facebook and the lucky winner got a copy of the book, plus a call with Sherry to discuss schizo-affective disorder.

flower painting details small

Sherry with ballerina and book 2014  50




2 comments to My Bp Magazine Blog: An Interview with Sherry Joiner. What is the Difference between Bipolar Disorder and Schizo-affective Disorder?

  • Jennifer

    Hi, my name is Jennifer, I’ve been in a relationship with my bf for 4 yrs now n we have 2 children and im pregnant with our 3rd. I just recently found out my bf is schizoaffective. He has hidden it this entire time. All our relationship ive caught him many many times on the internet on dating site, communicating via internet and talk/text on his phone. He swore hes never cheated but i dont trust him. I have recently caught him again. This time on facebook very close to communicating with his ex. I dont want to be with him anymore because of this, but im scared of how its going to effect him and also unsure if this is due to his illness or if hes just a cheater. With all that being said, i do love him and want to stick with him through this but not at the expense I’m paying now with my heart n my trust. Can anyone help clarify things so i can make the right decision regarding my relationship. If it is his illness i may be a little more understanding but if not, ive got to go…..thanks in advance