Bipolar disorder? Good news. My mood is stable today This means the following:
1. I got up and started doing what I needed to do for the day. It wasn’t like I was walking through mud.
2. I didn’t make a big list of all I have to do in life and then get upset because I can’t do it all today. I take today for today and do what I can.
3. I started my day with a coaching client. It’s a good way for me to get on schedule immediately as I can’t be wishy washy about the time I start working.
4. I’m not having a running conversation in my head that sounds like two people discussing my life and telling me what’s wrong!
5. I’m not in a euphoric hypomanic episode. This means the ideas will be regular and not overwhelming. It also means that I won’t go to my favorite store and just start shopping for fun. That’s what the picture represents. It’s not fun when you see the price tag!
Yay, A stable day. It’s the only way to live. I use my Health Cards daily to keep my mood swings from going too far. You can do the same!
I had a very similar day today. Its so nice to be stable even if it is just for one day. If I can get a full nights sleep now I could be on a roll of stable days. Being an “ultra rapid cycler” this can be an unusual event.
My problem is I have a To Do List,A Reading List and A Hobby List that includes learning how to read Musical Notes and Practice on my Guitar been playing since I was 16 but never learned to read music now that Im 76 I find it very hard to Focus and Concentrate on any study at hand.
My To do is not that big been retired over 20 years most of my to do is shuffeling Drs Apointments and filling out forms for Prescription and Co Pay refunds from my Insurance co.What frustrates me the most is my Reading List I scatter reead quite a bit and very rarely finish a book then there is the Religious part of me that wants to read the Holy Bible every day but I dont.
Also feel guilty if I dont at least try to read my Religious Catholic Magazines.
I enjoy Bedtime the Most (Widower) go to sleep listening to KUSC Classical Music Stn or a CD.Then Prayers and sleep.I was told by a Dr I might be Bi Polar because of the way I talk (very rapid and change subjects too fast.)I have been diagnosed with Anxiety and Mood Disorder and am on Paxil for about 2 years – helps some if I dont drink too much coffee.
I just had my first break down since I’ve been diagnosed with bipolar, and the only thought that kept running through my head was; “I’m never going to be completely healthy”. Well, my first break down in like… ten years. What do you do when you think like that? I was diagnosed 6 months ago, after being sick for 10 years. I need to ask someone who has experienced being “sick” like me, what is the deal with having to take medicines for every day, for the rest of our lives, or else risking being so sad that you just dont want to live anymore. I just feel that its so unfair. sorry for the rant, i just had to tell someone, and you were the first good blog i found.