I went to the National Alliance on Mental Illness this weekend. It was amazing for so many reasons.
First of all, sitting around a table talking about meds, bipolar, schizo affective, OCD, depression and schizophrenia with people who actually have the illnesses was FANTASTIC!
I met new friends and also met a lot of people who had read my books. I will write more about all of the people I met. They have real and very inspiring stories. The workshops were informative! I learned a lot- some of it not too encouraging and some of it very encouraging.
Most of all, this trip was amazing because I was able to actually do it! Going to Florida by myself without getting too sick is a real accomplishment. I spoke to hundreds of people and sold my books. I was able to work and network and remain positive. I had quite a bit of paranoia at times, but I knew what to do about it.
I have not been able to travel and work for over 6 years. I’ve been able to do some of each- but to handle all of that stimulation at once has made me sick in the past. The hard work is paying off.
I want to let people know that if I can get on a plane and spend three days at a very busy conference- there is hope for everyone. I never thought I would come this far.
I want the same for everyone with a mental illness. Everyone.
Conference details to follow…. I learned so much.
If you were at the conference, definitely leave comments on this blog!