Partner of a Person with Bipolar Disorder? It’s a Valentine’s Day Contest Just for You!

??????????????????????????????????????????????Partner of Someone with Bipolar Disorder? It’s time for a Valentines Day contest and it’s a good one. The contest is for partners of people with bipolar disorder and it starts now.

Here are the details:

The contest is open to anyone who has read my book Loving Someone with Bipolar Disorder: Understanding and Helping Your Partner. This includes any and all partners I’ve worked with in my coaching practice!

1. Please send me a paragraph on how the book has specifically helped you in your relationship. I will publish the reviews, but will only use names if you so desire to use your name. You can post the review on this blog or DM me on my Julie A. Fast Facebook account.

All names will go into a hat and I will pick a name and the winner receives:


Yes, this is a quite a prize! Please note this is for partners only. I don’t work directly with those who have the illness. If you are not familiar with my coaching work, please visit my family and partners coaching page. There is no need to fill out a query, unless you would like to pursue coaching in the future. This contest is for a private call with no fanfare. We will simply talk about your topic of choice. This isn’t a ploy for more coaching clients as I am usually full and have a waiting list. This is for LOVE and relationship stability and my gift to partners of people with bipolar disorder because you are simply amazing.


PS:  No matter where your relationship is right now, you can learn to help your partner manage bipolar disorder. If you’re in a situation where you feel helpless and hopeless, we can talk about how you an find ways to get your equilibrium back so that you can decide what is best for you!

3 comments to Partner of a Person with Bipolar Disorder? It’s a Valentine’s Day Contest Just for You!

  • Jonathan Clark

    Dear Julie,

    I would like to buy this book. However, there does not seem to be the option to do this without buying all your books. Please advise.

    Thank you,

    • Dear Jonathan,

      Thank you for writing. Loving Someone with Bipolar Disorder is available at You may purchase a hard copy or the Kindle version.


  • Mark Stevens

    I am living this now and dont know what to do.