I just received this bipolarhappens.com blog reader question from Melissa. I started to write a response and then thought- wait a minute! This would make a great question for the podcast. So, here is the question and the podcast at the end has my answer:
My prescriber and therapist contend that my lifestyle is the root of many of my problems. I just can’t seem to even visualize what a calmer lifestyle would look like let alone try for it. I have three children – one with special needs -, I work around 40 hours a week, I commute for an hour each direction and I manage the household. Yes I do have a husband which helps take some of the pressure off and then in other ways puts more pressure on. I also dabble in a party plan business and am trying to lose weight and get healthier – including starting training for a half-marathon. This probably sounds bananas to other people but I’m just not sure what to cut out. I have never known anything else. I have trouble stepping away from the cape I guess. Any input would be great.
– Melissa –
Click on the arrow to hear the answer.
Finding Balance.
Julie, you talk such good sense. I have to say you have kept me going since I was diagnosed several years ago. Your blog is great and so are your books. Thank you for sharing your experiences!
There was no podcast after the letter that was submitted. Hopefully there is a way I can access it in the archives. Thanks, Peggy Parslee
Hi Peggy,
I just wrote my webmaster Emmanuel and will have this fixed soon! julie
Hey Julie!
I know I’m replying to an old podcast but I wanted to shoot you a picture of what life looks like now.
I now only work 5 1/2 hours any given day and only once or twice a week. I vounteer at my children’s school about 7 hours a week on Wednesday and Thursday. I have a personal care assistant who comes in for 4 hours a week and helps me with my meds, mail, and housekeeping (getting me trained to do a better job). I work out with a traine twice a week for about 1 1/2 hours and on the off days I exercise for 45 minutes to an hour. I also write for my own website and am working to get it off the ground. Fridays are my day in town to complete appointments and go shopping. I no longer drive due to an accident so my Dad now chauffeurs me about. Way less stress there! I am also much more careful about my sleep and usually only allow myself one night a month of staying out late.
Writing it all down it still seems a bit overwhelming but I am striving for balance in my day to day life. You know when people say “how would you like your life to look in the future?” This is it. I want to volunteer, work a little bit and take care of myself. I guess I wonder if this sounds any better than when I wrote in 2009.
LOVE your insights
– Melissa –