Post Election Emotions: Treat Bipolar Disorder First



Take care of yourself today. Take care of your mental health. No matter what happened in the election, there is one thing that does not need to happen today. You do not have to get sick.

If you have a mental health disorder,  sleep is paramount. Make sure you sleep tonight no matter what. If you have a tendency towards psychosis as I do, watch for signs of paranoia and do something about the signs now.  If you’re depressed, anxious and worried about our future, focus on yourself and staying stable.

Change is a part of life. Sometimes we like the change and sometimes we don’t. Half of our country is deliriously happy and the other half is completely devastated. 

I’m not going to read too much about any of it. I know what obsessive reading and checking does to my brain. I know that I did my part and now I have to be respectful of what has happened. I believe in democracy and this is a big wake up call for many of us who assumed our path was the one that would be chosen.

I accept what has happened and will now do what I can to stay stable.

Treat bipolar first.

If you’re obsessively checking the internet, you can turn it off.

If you’re itching for a fight- looking for answers or raging with a feeling of injustice, talk with your therapist.  Wanting to do something doesn’t mean you can. Bipolar often decides for you. It does for me.

If you’re elated at what happened, please respect the deep fear that others feel and talk with them about it.

Our mental health community is a team. We can’t be divided.

Do everything it takes to stay stable. This is not a political issue for me. My mental health goes way beyond politics.

I can focus on outward change in the world only if I’m stable.


I originally posted this on my Julie A. Fast Facebook page. Please join me there for more regular updates. I also love to hear from readers in the comments section.

PS: When I have a tough day, I remind myself to do the things that make me happy. This morning I worked on my hair art. I feel better when I take care of my physical appearance. This is always a challenge when my mood is low and my anxiety is high. You can also see my noise cancelling earphones!


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