I love your book on Loving Someone with Bipolar Disorder. I am bipolar and my partner and I have been working with it for HOURS since I got out of the hospital (a true hellhole) a few days ago. I see that you work with a naturopath, but I see no mention of natural remedies that I have found VERY useful, such as Rescue Remedy and other floral remedies, essential oils, homeopathy, and special vitamin and mineral supplements. Any reason why?
Hi Satina, Thank you for your kind comments.
I’m so glad the book is helping your relationship. That book was born from a lot of pain, but it has helped so many people.I mention natural remedies in all of my other books- Loving Someone with Bipolar Disorder was meant more for the partner than the person with the illness, so direct bipolar disorder treatment was not explored fully.
I mention Rescue Remedy in a lot of my work, especially in Bipolar Happens, as well as herbs and other naturally based supplements. But… I do have to stress that they are best used with medications and a solid treatment plan – and that we have to be really careful as certain supplements can interact with meds or even exacerbate symptoms. I have to be super careful with all supplements, especially those that affect serotonin!
I also feel that yoga and especially yoga breathing is a great tool for bipolar disorder management. I have a yoga mat in my office and do a short session when the anxiety gets bad. I listen to the yoga classes straight from Itunes.
I remember when my former partner Ivan came home from the hospital. He had been through SO much. He was manic and psychotic for over a month. I’m sorry your experience in the hosptial was a bad one- Ivan had a better experience as he really was too ill to manage the illness on his own. It was much easier for me that he was there. I was very scared and had no idea how to help him. I was so happy to have him home, but it certainly took time for him to acclimate back to his old life. He has always used his diet as a way to stay healthy and tried a lot of nasty tasting Chinese herbs!
I often use massage in combination with acupuncture for stress- and see my naturopathic nurse practitioner for my medication needs. Massage is also a great way to relax.I believe in a combination of western and naturopathic health care. There is a place for both. And I certainly believe that books are an important part of any plan. (And don’t forget the love of pets!)
One issue is the expense of natural treatments- more insurance plans are waking up and letting people explore their options, but there is still a long way to go. I often trade my skills such as working with an acupuncturist who wants to write a book.
It helps to get creative. I am so glad your partner is there to help and that you are working together!
Herbs and natural stuff do not work for me. For depression i trued st johns wort, valencian root and many others, the best thing hat happen to me was finding a psych who put me on drugs/medications.
please help me with this doctor problem. my doctor refuses to tweak my meds when I have extreme symptoms. Twice now I have ended up in the hospital taken care of by another physician since my doctor does not admit. This physician has made changes that made a difference. I am thinking of changing doctors and feel bad about doing so, but need better care. What do I tell this current doctor? Helen
You’re worried about the doctor’s feeling?! I’m sorry, but you have misplaced loyalties. Take care of yourself first. Your doctor works for you. You pay him for services. If he’s not doing the best for you–simply leave. You really don’t have to tell him anything, but if this is a problem for you, call the office and tell them you have found another doctor, and ask them to send your records to your new doctor. You owe your doctor no explanation. Good luck, and good health.
Hi Jeanne,
I 100% agree. We pay and it’s also a partnership. When you find the right health care professionals it’s so wonderful. I’ve been lucky.
I absolutely agree with you, Julie. Only after trying drugs on their own, with little to no success, have I found balance and successful life management by incorporating yoga, meditation, healthful eating strategies, a change of lifestyle (moved from the hectic city out to the country to accomodate horses and dogs) is my life more grounded, focused and in balance. I also found that turning off the televison comepletely helped a great deal. Getting rid of that electromagnetic energy was good for my central nervous system and forced me to either sleep or get outside and do something productive.
Relying solely on herbs would be disastrous for me, but incorporating these lifestyle changes helps me deal with BP. And I know what my triggers are and avoid them. Living a simple lifestyle out in the country keeps me out of the shopping malls and prevents me from spending beyond my means and maxing out credit cards. If I spend even one or two days “just browsing” and killing time in town, I go overboard. It’s crazy! Yoga is a great tool, as it can be done anytime, anywhere, with no expense.
Julie, your newsletter is such a lifesaving tool. Thank you for everything.
I have just avoided ECT and have now made an appointment with a naturopath. I know I need medical treatments, but feel my psychiatrist is too aggressive and eager for me to just become diabetic and gain weight if it happens. I have discovered Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation as an alternative to ECT. Does anyone have familiarity with this less invasive treatment? Thanks!
Hello Margie,
I just answered your question on my newsletter- the newsletter will be out in the next few days. If you are not on the newsletter list, there is a link below to sign up!
Thanks! julie
essential oils are very soothing and they smell good too`;: